Announcing the Health and Safety Leaders of the Future

Health & Safety, News

Site Safe has announced the 2017 recipients of the Certificate in Construction Site Safety scholarships. The sixteen future safety leaders will now embark on the journey to complete Site Safe’s most advanced health and safety qualification, says the on-site health & safety organisation,

Site Safe Chief Executive Alison Molloy said this year’s candidates faced some strong competition, with a record number of entries received.

"More than 95 people applied for the scholarship programme, so there were some tough decisions, even though we increased the number of scholarships this year. All of the applicants were of a very high calibre and well supported by their employers. It’s great to see the industry backing their people and recognising the value of health and safety training. I’d also like to thank Dominion Constructors for their support coming on board as our inaugural scholarship sponsor.”

The 2017-2018 round marked the first award of the new Women in Construction scholarship, with four candidates successful in the new category. Six scholarships were awarded across the Maori and Pasifika categories, three in the Under 25 and three in the Open category.

All recipients receive complimentary training towards the Certificate in Construction Site Safety, a dedicated Site Safe mentor to support them in their studies, and a complimentary ticket to Site Safe’s annual gala event upon graduation.


The 2017-2018 recipients are:

Scholarship Recipient




  Jackson Darren MacFarlane


Napier City Council


Shane Harley Steedman-Bennett


Ebert Construction


Lana Ann Dalley


Ally Pro Limited


Shaun Matthew Madden


Aotea Electric


John Michael Bornhauser


Absolute Landscaping Solutions


Trevor John Gillan


Southern Group Training Trust


Gareth James Samuels


Safari Construction Limited


Seleni Tagicakibau


Milne Construction Ltd


Setu Matafeo


Aspec Construction Ltd


Zeb Sebastian Bakker

Under 25

Plumbing & Gas Works Limited


Jordan Ryan Magnus

Under 25

Décor Tiling


Jack Alexander Aplin

Under 25

W&W Construction Ltd


Sai Poulter Johnson

Women in Construction

G N Brewer Ltd


Reem Barakat

Women in Construction

Aurecon New Zealand Limited


Victoria Esson

Women in Construction

Land Information New Zealand


Kellie Ann Bullock

Women in Construction

Keith Bullock Contracting Limited



For more information on the scholarship programme, go to