How AI is redefining Automation
Treotham Automation experts
Sequence of events monitoring
Hyspecs for Automation
The green benefits of edge computing
AI Robotics and Sensors

2 Equipment & Materials
A roundup of technology and services designed to increase the productivity, efficiency, and safety of New Zealands engineering and manufacturing sector. Product of the Month is a range of safety belts, harnesses and vests designed by South Island company Exelite Industries. The electro-luminescent light emanating from these products means they can be seen from a distance of more than 600 metres from any angle.
21 Motors & Drives
A roundup of leading edge technologies related to motors and drives. Plus a look at the new generation of electronic drive systems for cranes, by Bonfigliolis Sean Richardson. Remember to utilise the reader enquiry serviceto access further information on any article in this issue of the magazine.
28 Maintenance & Industrial Coatings
A maintenance special, including a report on the new Just Planning service from Maintenance Transformations Limited launched to remotely deal with planned task and maintenance requirements as well as a look at the maintenance work done by Singer Group at the Huntly Power Station.
34 The Timber Processing/Pulp & Paper Industry
Products and technology aimed at New Zealands timber processing andpulp and paper industries. We include a report on Southern Cross Engineerings contract to install a multi-saw trimmer and sling sorter system for an Australian sawmill.
42 Newsmakers
The latest in local and overseas industry news, plus our calendar ofupcoming events.