EMANZ Welcomes NZEECS Announcement

The Energy Management Association of New Zealand has welcomed the publication of the MBIE’s New Zealand Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy (NZEECS) 2017-22.

In welcoming the publication, EMANZ CEO Mike Hopkins said: “The industry has been eagerly awaiting the publication of the NZEECS and the emphasis being placed on improved energy productivity simply reinforces the importance of the work EMANZ members are already doing to reduce energy bills and emissions.”

He continued: “Particularly exciting for EMANZ members is the support in the document for wider adoption of energy management systems and ISO50001, the international energy management standard. Promoting the adoption of ISO50001 is one of our key activities and there is huge potential for improving efficiency, simply from increased awareness of the standard and what it can help deliver. This is all part of the need to support skills development in energy management across NZ Inc. and it’s great to see MBIE acknowledging this in its strategy. We have some exciting plans under development in that space and look forward to collaborating with EECA on how best to roll those out over the next few months.”