Fever screening solutions continue to keep us safe

The Coronavirus pandemic has shown a need for infrared cameras that can screen for fever in humans. The basis for the effectiveness of thermal cameras as a screening tool, lies in the correlation of outside skin surface temperature with internal or core body temperature.

With restrictions lifted on public gatherings and an increase in domestic travel, fever screening remains an important tool for ensuring the health and safety of those around us. Eurotec offer several fever screening solutions from infrared specialists Optris and Testo that allow fast, non-contact temperature measurement of individuals and crowds.

Optris Fever Detection Solutions

Crowd Based Screening using the Optris Xi 400. The Xi 400 IR camera can monitor a crowd of people at once or sequentially, allowing those with an elevated body temperature to be easily detected.  Individual Screening using the Optris PI 450i IR camera. This method is mainly used at control gates or where crowd screening is not possible. From a closer distance you can measure the temperature of the tear duct which provides the strongest correlation between outside skin temperature and core body temperature. This method can also detect lower fever grades.

Both solutions offer easy installation and operation of the inspection system and include an alarm signal when skin temperatures reach a predefined alarm value.


Fever measurement with the Testo 885 and 890 thermal imagers
With the Testo FeverDetection Assistant, the Testo 890 and 885 thermal imagers are perfect for identifying potentially ill persons. These cameras offer excellent resolution and thermal sensitivity in one user-friendly package. An alarm is triggered if a temperature deviates from the predefined value to easily identify those with a fever.

Testo handheld infrared thermometers for Fever Detection
The Testo handheld infrared thermometers can be pointed at a person’s forehead for non-contact temperature measurement. We offer four models of infrared thermometers for this application; Testo 831, Testo 830-T1, Testo 830-T2 and Testo 830-T4.

Please contact Eurotec Ltd to discuss the best fever screening solution to suit your application via phone 09 579 1990 or email sales@eurotec.co.nz(link sends e-mail)