The newest addition of Smart Magnetic flow meters was launched by ifm electronic at SPS Drives in Germany. Facilitating dosing, flow & temperature metering of water based media right down to tiny ranges that fall between 0.005…3 Litres per minute! And at the other end of the scale, <900L/min.
These robust, compact IP67 flow meters, constructed of 316SS, are easy to install & commission, featuring high accuracy & consistent repeatability in virtually any application where the medium ranges between 0…60 deg.C. This makes them ideal for dosing applications of make-up water in the Food & Beverage applications, metering refrigeration system chilled water, or accurate metering of plant process fluids in water treatment plants. Etc.
All SM series magnetic flow meters, 2x independent outputs, so one can meter flow, while transmitting the process medium temperature, or switch a low flow point.
Output One maybe used to meter flow rate, volumetric pulse output, or used as a signal output for a pre-set counting. While the second output maybe be used to measure flowrate, medium temperature, or as a pre-set switch point. Commonly, the meter is used to meter flow metering & to measure the medium temperature, meaning one sensor gives two process measurements. Another 1st from ifm!
The bright 4-Digit alphanumeric LED display & local push buttons make parameter setting simple. And for those wanting to employ the “Smart Sensor” capabilities, outputs can be fed directly into a Smart IO block for interface with common bus system EtherNet/IP, Profibus, Modbus TCP. Thuis makes wiring fast & far more efficient where multiple instruments are used in one area, remote to the PLC.
For more information, please contact ifm
ph. 0800 803 444 or check our web site