How AI is redefining Automation
Treotham Automation experts
Sequence of events monitoring
Hyspecs for Automation
The green benefits of edge computing
AI Robotics and Sensors

Product Watch A roundup of technologies and services designed to increase the productivity, efficiency and safety of the engineering and manufacturing sector. It’s just pressure Thanks to Multivacs’ new HPP technology, integrated high-pressure preservation is now available for MAP packed food items to extend their shelf life without heat, radiation or artificial additives. Stefan Richter reports. Food Processing The most recent developments and products in the world of food processing, including a visit to the Manukau-based FoodBowl. Heat Treatment A heat treater shares his experiences when he was approached by MOTAT to rectify a minor problem with their new tram wheels. Stainless Production Read about knuckling the edge of domes and how spiral coolers and freezers can increase operational efficiency. CAD/CAM/CNC Includes a report on how to organise the complex structural supply chain; environmental assessment software; and a new scalable CNC control solution. Maintenance Matters News from the maintenance front and an answer to the question how a free seminar for Christchurch’s industry can set up the city's businesses for the future. Industry Watch & Coming Events