A new multimillion dollar green logistics facility in South Auckland will help boost access to steel construction materials needed for New Zealand’s major infrastructure and renewable energy projec
The corrosive effects of inflation have caused the NZ SME manufacturing industry to face a brutal 25% profitability plunge, though certain industries are leading a fightback - according to a new re
Engineering New Zealand Te Ao Rangahau Chief Executive Dr Richard Templer welcomed infrastructure minister Hon Chris Bishop’s announcement yesterday that a new infrastructure agency would be in pla
A new research project has revealed that augmented reality (AR) could be the future of fire safety training, with initial tests demonstrating significantly improved training outcomes.
A group of engineering and architecture firms have closed the gender pay equity gap after a campaign by The Diversity Agenda to ensure men and women in the same roles receive the same pay.
The theme of this year’s International Women in Engineering Day (INWED) on June 23 is to celebrate the vital contributions women engineers make to enrich lives and livelihoods globally.
Quarries delivering rock, aggregate and sand - already by far the nation’s largest mineral producers - will be amongst the first to benefit from the sector’s new strategy.
Tentech, a leading Australian information management consultancy, is excited to announce its expansion into New Zealand, responding to increasing demand from organisations across the Tasman.
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