Watson-Marlow 520 and 620 Series pumps prove their reliability in conjunction with Thames Water’s process plants. Tasked with replacing ageing pumps for disinfectant and coagulant processes at Thames...
GLOBAL Hydraulics are motion and control experts, who provide not only field and workshop based repairs but also a wide range of project management, design and specification skills to large and small...
THE FORK-Alert System is the latest forklift safety product from Amskan that enhances safety in working environments where machines and people work in close proximity.
APPLIED technology company, Polymer Developments Group Limited (PDG), provides a unique offering to the oil and gas industry for the protection of infrastructure and property assets.
THE Sigma Air Manager basic from Kaeser Compressors provides users of smaller compressed air systems with a comprehensive, yet an affordable entry into the world of advanced compressed air management...
The Pike River Coal mine has all the advantages and challenges of a new greenfield venture. The mine team has carte blanche to plan, design, construct and operate the mine with best practice mining...
FOR organisations looking for an alternative to traditional oxidising technology (such as chlorine) in water treatment applications where strict bacteriological quality must be maintained, chlorine...
IN WHAT is thought to be the largest system of its kind in the world, Haden & Custance recently designed and manufactured a de-palletising and de-cartoning system for a client’s process line that...
New Zealand started unlocking its hydrocarbon resources in earnest in the 1960s. Today, it provides a significant chunk of our operational energy requirements, and there is scope to increase this...
Mining is once again making South Africa’s economy boom, and in particular the economy of the small village of Swartruggens in the North West Province. Jenny Baker reports
WHEN glazing a wooden frame using conventional linseed oil putty, the glass is first forced into a bed of putty in the primed frame. After fixing with tacks the glass is then glazed and sealed in...
HEAT generated within pneumatic conveying systems causes a multitude of problems for heat sensitive products and, as a result, often rules out pneumatic conveying as a possible means of powder...
THE question most asked by customers about abrasive jet machining is "Will it be more cost effective than other profile cutting methods?" The answer is: choice is good – understand how to make the...
The challenge of delivering IoT solutions that scale
What is Industry 5.
Smart Bearings and Industry5.0
Five ways SCADA systems can benefit sustainability
The future of Automation