Engineering the Future – MESNZ Conference 2023


The MESNZ Maintenance Engineering Conference for 2023 will be held at Fraser High School in Hamilton from 3rd to 5th October. The conferences theme for this year is Growing Great Engineers. The keynote speaker will be Joel Leonard from North Carolina USA who is renowned as a larger-than-life personality. Day one will include a free session for students looking to explore career opportunities in engineering from apprenticeships right through to degree programs.

DEMM is proud to continue our association as the official media partner for the MESNZ maintenance engineering conference.

Engineers have a duty to inspire the next generation of students, apprentices and graduates. To do this, we need greater understanding of and interaction with young people and the local community. We need to break down the stereotypes and re-frame engineering for what it can be with greater emphasis on the analytical, practical, creative, and problem-solving side to engineering.

Manufacturing Matters
Engineers love to make cool things and solve problems; indeed, a thriving manufacturing sector is critical to the long-term prospects for the New Zealand economy, especially with the push towards living in a sustainable low carbon future. Each keynote presentation at this year’s conference will build on this theme with practical solutions to the big challenges that we face both now and into the future

As much as a strong engineering education and effective communication skills will launch a career, the ability to continuously learn will keep it going. As engineers, we work to envision the future through production and maintenance plans and technology roadmaps, but where we will be five or 10 years from now is truly unknown.   As the world adjusts to a post COVID-19 “new normal”, the ability to learn and adapt to increasingly dynamic market movements, resource and supply chain constraints, and new technology developments is absolutely required or continued success in delivering on-going improvement in plant performance. Our members are all back at work looking to make improvements across their operations and what better way to reconnect with the cream of New Zealand’s maintenance engineering community at MESNZ2023.  

• How to Thrive in a Low Carbon Economy
• What does a Circular Economy Look Like
• Industry 4.0 and IOT solutions that work today!
• Digital Twin Project Success Story
• Asset Management
• Understanding changes to Water Asset Management
• Engineering Project Planning, Execution & Management
• Finding & Retaining Good Engineers
• Changes in the Engineering NZ Space
• New Technology Solutions for Maintenance Engineers
• Material Failure & Prevention
• Engineering Problem Solving in the Real World
• Machine Safety & Guarding
• Health & Safety Updates from Industry
• Health & Safety: Fact v Fiction and how to tell the difference


More details and registration at

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