Safer solutions for tight spaces


While chances of a dust explosion occurring are small, NZDUCT+FLEX has continued to install more of their MMBF filter range, as purchasers agree that the safer option does not necessarily cost more than standard Modular Baghouses. These units, with features unique to Danish supplier JKF Industri can be installed for as little as $23,000. “ The choice of a dust extraction system that not only prevents any possible explosion going back into the factory, but also releases it with no flame or pressure wave, (that might exit across the working site or even a carpark,) is proving more and more popular for our company“, confirms Sales Manager Geoff Ebdon. With MMBF filters, any fire is contained within the filter unit, and the pressure is released out of the roof. No fireball, no secondary explosions, and far less chance of injury to your staff, neighbour company’s staff or random individuals in the ‘wrong place at the wrong time’.

VFV (Vertical Force Venting) safety is just one of the unique safety systems from Danish extraction experts JKF Industri. Most company’s are amazed that these Scandinavian manufactured extraction systems don’t cost much more than the old designs from the 1950’ that so many factories still have.

Besides the MMBF range designed for fast assembly, (saving installation cost), there are several other JKF extraction ranges available: Jet Filters, SuperBlowers Filters from 50,000m3 to 250,000m3/hour extraction rates, using the VFV relief venting actually tested and approved by the German FSA test institute. 

This is the most advanced and safest explosion protection system available in the world and meets, and exceeds, all European ATEX and any other markets safety regulations.

“We would fit this feature in 75 percent of the filter units we now install.” says Geoff Ebdon. “It just doesn’t make sense not to. Why wouldn’t you choose a system that is as safe as you can possibly make it, for you and your company colleagues, especially if it’s the same cost as other older designs”.   

For further details contact NZDuct+Flex on 0508 69 38 28 or visit  

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