From the Editor January 2021


Here it is, the beginning of a whole new year, and while at time of writing I am hoping it is going to be a much better one, I can only hope I am right.
If, in the time between writing this editorial and this magazine landing on your desk, it has all gone horribly wrong again, I do hope that you, your families and your businesses weather the Covid storm.
If it looks like we are going to avoid the trials in countries beyond our border, then hurrah for us! We knuckled down and did it, so let’s keep on keeping on.
As the philosopher Karl Popper is so often quoted, “Optimism is a Moral Duty. The future is open. It is not predetermined. No one can predict it, except by chance. We all contribute to determining it by what we do. We are all equally responsible for its success.”
Here’s to optimism in 2021!

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