A lack of knowledge has led to poor lubrication practices in the industry, says Richard J. Clancy, who asks for increased awareness of and education on the importance of this subject.
Condition monitoring can provide the necessary data to identify and deal with the root cause of a problem. Editor Stefan Richter talked to Clyde Volpe from the Vibration Institute of Australia about...
Hamilton City Council has achieved a 50 percent reduction in machine faults as well as annual savings of $30,000 in machine overhauls, courtesy of a comprehensive condition monitoring and preventive...
There is a distinct difference between condition monitoring and vibration analysis. The former is aimed at detecting a change in the monitored machine whereas the latter seeks to determine what has...
The first New Zealand based recipient of the Australasian Maintenance Excellence Awards (AMEA) was presented by SIRF Roundtables, Industrial Maintenance Roundtable (IMRt) on 19 March 2012 at a gala...
“Maintenance is all about maximising plant reliability,” says Larry Wiechern. The Maintenance and Reliability Centre Manager at Manukau Institute of Technology highlights the importance of upskilling...
If a tree falls in the forest it makes a noise, whether anybody’s there to hear it or not. Just like that fabled tree, machines in trouble provide telltale evidence you can read to diagnose their...
The challenge of delivering IoT solutions that scale
What is Industry 5.
Smart Bearings and Industry5.0
Five ways SCADA systems can benefit sustainability
The future of Automation