The new SW1 remote monitoring module is solar powered using a tiny built in solar panel, so it requires no additional connections to power, and has no specialist set up requirements, other than req
One of the last things any operations manager wants is extended stoppages caused by bearing failures as manufacturers and primary producers get squeezed between the pincers of expanding production
Thermal imaging cameras have become a “must-have tool” to assist with predictive and preventative maintenance, whether you are performing industrial maintenanc
When NSW Ports embarked on a two-year program to rehabilitate the structures and combat corrosion levels at its Bulk Liquid Berth 1 (BLB1), it commissioned Melbourne-based consultancy Infracorr to
Just as humans can be worn down by constant stress, so also can shock, vibration, and constantly changing loads accelerate wear in machinery and infrastructure, consume excess energy, and ultimatel
WorkSafe's best practice guideline provides a comprehensive solution path for machinery and guarding. However, the assumed competency for engineers and trade staff is problematic.
Motors and gear boxes are the live blood of industry, with this critical equipment exposed to a range of challenging ambient conditions including moisture, temperature, chemical and particulate con
The heavy-duty sector is privy to downtime associated with maintenance issues. “This is a challenge that companies in the mining, quarry and other heavy-duty sectors grapple with on a regular basis”
How AI is redefining Automation
Treotham Automation experts
Sequence of events monitoring
Hyspecs for Automation
The green benefits of edge computing
AI Robotics and Sensors